Customer stories to boost your B2B landing page

Updated: January 7th, 2024
Published: October 22nd, 2023
Here is the most important page of your B2B landing page. How you can use customer stories to grow your SaaS. And how I built ours at Univid with some of the biggest influencers and names in Sweden.

Here is the most important page of your B2B website and how I built ours at Univid with some of the biggest influencers and names in Sweden 👇

So I’m absolutely hooked on transparent selling and marketing, seeing massive results applying “unexpected honesty“ and "show don't tell" - inspired by @Todd Caponi and The Transparency Sale 📖

Landing pages can be optimized and A/B-tested into infinity, often requiring lots of data points to be statistically significant.

Instead, by applying 80/20 - there are a few pages that you can focus your efforts on - that will make the BIG difference.

The “about page” and “pricing page” definitely are good candidates..


No matter how good YOU say YOU are or how appealing of a pricing model YOU present, your prospects will always keep wondering 👇

🤔 "This looks good and all.. But what are their customers actually saying?"

Therefore, the customer stories or case page is IMO the single most important piece of your B2B landing page.

And here is how I built our ❤️ wall at Univid:

  • Include badges and refer to @G2/@Capterra/@Tekpon etc. Obviously prospects are in the context of your domain which introduce bias - so build TRUST by showing off your reviews and ratings from 3rd party sites - or start building your presence there. Like yesterday..

  • Highlight familiar logos - display some of the companies who trust your service, this way you build trust using brands your ICP already know and relate to.

  • Add featured quotes to click through - make it personal and include nice visuals. Get quotes from roles relevant to your ICP so they identify. Add portraits and roles to go with the quotes.

  • Include cases - go in as much depth as you need for your ICP and use-case. We add in-action screens from the webinars. This is a great way to show off how the product is actually being used, instead of just talking about it.

  • Be personal when asking - and make it exclusive. Let’s be honest - no one wants to be featured on a site that looks like it’s from the Windows 95 era. Featuring other big names or high profile cases helps, so work your way up 🚀

  • Make it a win-win - offer backlinks, help promote the customers own interests - maybe a recent re-branding or their latest initiative around reducing CO2 🤝


For us at Univid- this is just our starting point. Customer stories plays a huge part in our growth and success. It's a work in progress, and we update these every other week with fresh cases and content.

How are you working with case studies or customer stories today?

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